Hell week

 Remember when I wrote about enjoying a moment of tranquillity in my life? Well, the last two weeks have been complete and utter shit! This week has really taken the cake! You know when your Monday starts off on the wrong foot, the rest of the week is pretty shitty! While I was at work on Monday, the baby bat broke his house key again (he also broke it last week) while trying to unlock the front door. His fantastic dad came by to let him in so I didn't have to skip out of work early. 

I also got an email on Monday evening from my baby bat's super awesome teacher who was a bit concerned. He was sick at school and his health took a turn for the worst Monday night.

I spent the week nursing a very sick kid, fixing a huge banking error which resulted in me paying my bills late, and getting a lot of bad migraines from stress.

While my banking issue is still not completely fixed, I saw many cool locks for the door you can buy that have keypads on them and can even unlock the door by using your smartphone and Wifi! I plan on investing in this once everything gets settled with my bank. It's not just because I have a kid who is unlucky with keys my reason for making such an extravagant purchase, it is also because I am a big kid too! They can be quite pricey but I do love technology and I think having something that can unlock a door via your phone is so cool! 

I spent most of my week in comfortable clothes (anime/geeky t-shirt with leggings) but I did look cute on Monday when I actually did go to work! I didn't get to wash the mirror, please ignore the streaks but did so after I took my pictures. Expect clearer pictures in the future! So tomorrow is Friday and I am looking forward to what will hopefully be an uneventful weekend. Here's to good mental and physical health and a key that won't break when you unlock a door!

On a more amusing note, I also stepped in dog pee twice with my bare feet! What a week it has been!

The t-shirt says "Spoiled Bat" on it! I love it!

With my cute fishnet sweater. It is perfect for taking public transit as it is not too warm but somehow keeps me warm when I wear my coat! I got major Sailor Moon vibes from my hair!

Lastly, I got to show off my amazing Doc Martens! I have been wearing these boots since I was a teenager and this particular pair looked quite nice with the outfit! 


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