
Showing posts from December, 2023

Goals Achieved, New Beginnings

Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon) studying Last year, I outlined my goals for 2022-2023  and I'm thrilled to share that I've made significant strides in achieving most of them. I understand that setting goals might not resonate with everyone; however, from my standpoint, having specific targets has greatly contributed to maintaining my mental well-being. Did I tick off every single goal? No, and that's perfectly okay. Instead of dwelling on what I didn't achieve, I'm choosing to focus on the milestones I reached this past year, and I couldn't be prouder. Before delving into my new goals for 2024, let's take a closer look at what I managed to accomplish and what's still a work in progress. (1) Ask for help - This has been a personal struggle, but I've made strides. I've learned that seeking assistance doesn't signify weakness; rather, it's a strength. Breaking the habit of self-reliance was tough, yet the positive outcomes made it worthwhile. (

From Cynicism to Celebration: Unveiling the Magic of Togetherness

“And what happened, then? Well, in Whoville they say – that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten Grinches, plus two!”  -  Seuss. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! HarperCollins Children’s Books, 2023. Despite being pressed for time, we still managed to put some lights on part of the house!  Dear readers, Merry Christmas! If you've been following this blog, you might have noticed my absence, and for that, I sincerely apologise. The recent move from Montreal, Quebec to a charming town in Ontario demanded much of my time and attention. The process of settling into a new home, alongside renovations, seemed like a whirlwind, affirming the saying, "time flies by." My partner, Skye, and I also found ourselves racing around, engulfed in the chaos of the last two months as we prepared for the holiday season on top of everything else. Our decision to embrace Skye'