
Showing posts with the label Coffee

Dog Days of Ontario.

These scorching summer days, marked by oppressive humidity, truly embody the dog days of summer. The discomfort all began when the noxious smog from the Canadian wildfires blanketed the air, and to make matters worse, a wave of stifling humidity soon followed. Personally, I find muggy weather unbearable, so I've been seeking refuge at my boyfriend's cozy apartment in Ontario, where we've been huddling next to his beloved air conditioning unit. Spending the entire summer together has been an incredible journey of discovery for us, unveiling just how remarkably compatible we are. It's not just our shared silly quirks that align; we also have the same cleaning habits, sense of humour, and even the same contagious laugh. It all started when he visited my hometown of Montreal, Quebec. I proudly showed him around my condo, introduced him to my child and beloved dog, and together we embarked on numerous adventures. We strolled along the picturesque waterfront, wandered through

The Discombobulated Life of a Coffee Drinker

A nice cup of coffee in my Michael Myers mug! If you know me personally, you would undoubtedly be aware of my deep and unwavering love for coffee. It is not merely a beverage to me; it is an essential part of my daily routine, a sacred ritual that breathes life into my soul each morning. Without my beloved coffee, I transform into an irritable and frenzied individual, akin to a raving lunatic. Coffee, with its invigorating jolt of caffeine, never fails to uplift my spirits and infuse me with a renewed sense of vitality. It faithfully accompanies me through both the best and worst of times, serving as a source of encouragement during moments of despair and a loyal companion during moments of triumph. In essence, coffee is like a warm and comforting hug that never fails to envelop me in its embrace. Lately, I have been unabashedly boasting about my intellectual prowess, particularly in light of my recent achievement: successfully completing my first semester at university with commendabl

A coffee, and a Life Update

It's been a month since I last posted, and why not post something now for the hell of it? Not much is happening over here. I have not really been inspired to write anything since I am surviving my first semester at University. It has been a tough transition for me. It all started at the end of January when I quit my part-time job. It needed to be a better fit for me and there were too many demands. It was hard to balance my studies and baby bat plus working over 24 hours per week. I took a break from job searching for a few weeks because my mental health went to shit and I was about to start my midterms. Now that my midterms are out of the way, I have resumed the job search. Someone once told me that the first semester can be hard for some people and I can attest to that. I am one of them. In addition to my mental health issues, I had some issues with my physical health. I got one virus after the other. While it wasn't Covid, these colds lasted for over two weeks and I was supe

The Little Things

“You know," he said with unusual somberness, "I asked my father once why kenders were little, why we weren't big like humans and elves. I really wanted to be big," he said softly and for a moment he was quiet. "What did your father say?" asked Fizban gently. "He said kenders were small because we were meant to do small things. 'If you look at all the big things in the world closely,' he said, 'you'll see that they're really made up of small things all joined together.' That big dragon down there comes to nothing but tiny drops of blood, maybe. It's the small things that make the difference.” - Margaret Weis, author, Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragonlance Chronicles Beautiful snow filled branch! As I sit in my living room, with my laptop perched on a pillow, I am typing this while I am savouring my morning coffee. There's nothing quite like that first cup of coffee in the morning! My curtains on my window are slightly pa

Making Christmas: A gothic Christmas tree

“When they got here It would cast them, shrieking and insane, into the deadlights" - Stephen King, It I think it has been two years since I purchased my black Christmas tree. I love my tree, except for the lights it came with. They are white and shiny and too bright for my liking. I spent my entire Sunday afternoon cutting off zip ties because the manufacturer zip tied the frigging lights to the branches! I wanted purple lights this year! I decided to do this task on the weekend when the baby bat wasn't home. I love my kid but every time I bring out the Christmas decorations, the kid goes nuts and has to decorate right away. I am so tired of looking at those white lights that for my sanity's sake, I decided to remove the lights when he wasn't home. This way, I am not being interrupted every five minutes with the same old question "is the tree ready yet?" and I can do the tedious job in peace! I used to relate to Lydia from Beetlejuice so much but now I can sy

Discombobulated Corp Goth, Halloween 2022 edition

 Hello dear readers! Boy, do I have a silly story for you and I am really excited to share it!  It all started during the very early morning hours Monday morning (Halloween day} when my baby bat (my son) woke me up because he wasn't feeling good. He was sluggish and sniffling a lot. I let him sleep in my bed until my alarm goes off.  The thing is, I have several alarms on my phone. It is the most annoying sound in the world too and I am almost guaranteed to get up except this time, I kept shutting off my alarms and falling into a deep sleep. My alarms go off every 10 minutes! My ability to fall into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds always amazes me. I always know when my last alarm goes off because it tells me in a robotic voice to "get your ass out of bed" and this time, I decided to rebel against the robot and set the alarm to snooze. The thing is, my baby bat and I can sleep through a nuclear explosion and when the snooze alarm went off, we slept through it. I don&#

The discombobulated life of a corp goth

 "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents." - Bob Ross Well, dear readers, I got a funny story for you all. It all happened on Friday when I went to a job interview. I thought I was prepared by laying out my clothes the night before. I forgot that most of my corp goth outfits don't quite fit me due to the weight gain that happened over the pandemic. I still got a whopping 15 pounds to lose and I thought "oh I am sure it will fit, I will be fine." That was my death wish indeed! Those are the best final words I could have muttered to myself before falling asleep last night! I got up early enough and since I had plenty of time to spare, I decided to watch a movie. I somehow lost track of time and had to get ready in a hurry. I picked out my best undergarments as I wanted to feel confident (there is a point to this, I will get to it in a bit, trust me!) Seriously ladies, wear those sexy undergarments if that is your thing! It really does help boost y