
Showing posts with the label Baby Bat

Healing Journey: Depression to Joy

Around this time last year, I found myself at the lowest point in my life. My heart was broken, and depression consumed me, causing me to spiral out of control. Every day felt like a battle just to keep my head above water as I struggled to crawl out of the pit of despair. I spent months confined to my bed, lacking the energy or desire to do even the simplest tasks like showering or cleaning my house. But as time passed, I began to slowly pick myself up from the darkness. Usagi Tsukino, Sailor Moon (1992) Like a phoenix rising from its ashes, my journey of healing commenced with a life-changing event: receiving an acceptance letter from Concordia University. I was ecstatic to be admitted into my first-choice program, English Literature, even though I missed the deadline for the Fall Semester, and my studies would begin in the Winter. This opportunity motivated me to reignite my passions for reading and blogging, which brought genuine happiness into my life once again. When school star

Emotional Graduation and New Beginnings

  ''You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.) KID, YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS!'  - Seuss. Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Random House, 2020.  My baby bat graduated elementary school the other day and my heart swelled with pride and joy.  As most of you know, my birth story was a difficult one and this particular milestone holds a profound significance for me considering the challenging journey I had endured since giving birth. As a result, I am reminded of the fortune I possess whenever I celebrate my child's accomplishments and I am truly grateful to have the opportunity to experience the joys of motherhood when there was a tim

It Always Happens When You're Not Looking

The conclusion of my first semester as a University student has finally arrived, and with it comes a much-needed moment of respite. The weight of essays and finals has been lifted from my shoulders, allowing me to take a deep breath and shift my focus towards my job search. Looking back, I realize that I might have underestimated the academic rigor of University-level coursework, especially as an undergraduate, first semester student who hasn't been in school for about 20 years!  Only towards the end of the semester did I realize that I should have started with lower-level courses (level 200) instead. No wonder I struggled so much! I vividly recall the tears I shed when I received unsatisfactory grades on my first midterm essay and another midterm exam for a different course. However, I'm proud of myself for not letting those setbacks defeat me. I picked myself up and dusted off my ego, determined to do better. I took advantage of my professor's office hours and poured my h

Genetic Defect

“Love pushes us to believe, even when reason tells us we should stop. Love compels us to move carefully, to consider the consequences of our actions. Love reminds us what’s worth fighting for, what isn’t. Love begs us to stop being passive and finally act. If you can’t write about us with a love for who we are as a people, what we’ve survived, what we’ve accomplished despite all attempts to keep us from doing so; if you can’t look at us as we are and feel your pupils go wide, rendering all stereotypes a sham, a poor copy, a disgrace—then why are you writing about us at all?” - Alicia Elliott, author of "Mind Spread Out on the Ground" I was a kid in the 1980s and a teenager in the 90s. I grew up in a Montreal suburban home with two cars, I had a dog and later, a cat, went to church every Sunday with my father, and went to a French elementary school despite being anglophone speaking. I took pride in my waist-length blonde hair and blue eyes. Throughout my childhood, I was told

Our Story

***Disclaimer: If you have been reading my previous posts, you will know that I used to refer to my kid as he/him. While I have been aware of this for a while now, it is only recently she asked me to change her pronouns to she/her. I ask that you be respectful. *** My first post on this blog was about my pregnancy and the harrowing experience I encountered.  I would like to sum up what happened after: I was 30 weeks pregnant here. This is right before my placenta previa diagnosis. Breast vs Bottle If you are very pro-breastfeeding, please skip this section and before I go any further, no I am not interested in hearing "but if you tried harder, you could have done it" or hearing about how if I did x,y,z, I would have been able to. Considering my kid is almost a teenager, I don't think this information would be useful to me anymore! I am an advocate of breastfeeding. I do strongly believe that it is the best thing you could do for your child. On the other hand, I strongly

Making a French Canadian Gothmas!

My Holiday festivities started when I was invited to my friend's birthday party earlier this month. It was a formal affair and since I lost a considerable amount of weight, I had a cornucopia of clothing to choose from! I decided on a simple black dress that had a small layer of tulle underneath. Once I tried the dress on, I immediately got Sailor Moon vibes and I was inspired! Here is a cute photo of me!  A gothic Moon Princess! Working part-time during this period has made the Holiday preparations less stressful. I got to make a lovely homemade tourtière  (meat pie) My father was French Canadian and I tend to miss him this time of the year. Being able to make this dish is an excellent way to honour his memory. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos but the pie is safe in my freezer and we are all excited to devour it on the 24th!  Considering Dad was French Canadian and my mom was an Anglophone, my dad tried to pass on some of his traditions to me when I was younger. Usual

A step ahead but not without a glance behind

With a new year fast approaching, I am already looking back at 2022! I really can't help it! It was a crappy year for me but with a positive outlook, I realized this was a year of transformation. This period of change or evolution as I like to call it was long overdue and I am glad to be given the hard lessons I had to face. I am so happy that we have a month left of 2022 and I can look forward to bigger and better things next month when I start University and begin a new chapter of my life. So yeah, I am getting a head start at this new year, new me bullshit! Except, I am already a new me and I am quite happy with the woman I am today. It is thanks to the lessons I had to face over the past couple of months that made me the strong, resilient, high-value woman I am! Yes, I am having a feminist moment, bare with me! This year has taught me the importance of having goals , of looking inwards and asking myself "what is it that I really want? " and reaching for the stars. It

Making Christmas: A gothic Christmas tree

“When they got here It would cast them, shrieking and insane, into the deadlights" - Stephen King, It I think it has been two years since I purchased my black Christmas tree. I love my tree, except for the lights it came with. They are white and shiny and too bright for my liking. I spent my entire Sunday afternoon cutting off zip ties because the manufacturer zip tied the frigging lights to the branches! I wanted purple lights this year! I decided to do this task on the weekend when the baby bat wasn't home. I love my kid but every time I bring out the Christmas decorations, the kid goes nuts and has to decorate right away. I am so tired of looking at those white lights that for my sanity's sake, I decided to remove the lights when he wasn't home. This way, I am not being interrupted every five minutes with the same old question "is the tree ready yet?" and I can do the tedious job in peace! I used to relate to Lydia from Beetlejuice so much but now I can sy