A step ahead but not without a glance behind

With a new year fast approaching, I am already looking back at 2022! I really can't help it! It was a crappy year for me but with a positive outlook, I realized this was a year of transformation. This period of change or evolution as I like to call it was long overdue and I am glad to be given the hard lessons I had to face. I am so happy that we have a month left of 2022 and I can look forward to bigger and better things next month when I start University and begin a new chapter of my life. So yeah, I am getting a head start at this new year, new me bullshit! Except, I am already a new me and I am quite happy with the woman I am today. It is thanks to the lessons I had to face over the past couple of months that made me the strong, resilient, high-value woman I am! Yes, I am having a feminist moment, bare with me!

This year has taught me the importance of having goals, of looking inwards and asking myself "what is it that I really want?" and reaching for the stars. It was such a transformative year, indeed! Ironically enough, whenever I would do my own tarot readings, I would often pull the Death card. The death card simply means the end of one cycle and the beginning of another cycle. It is transformation. This card really does represent my year! 

This is where I got the image

The day after I applied for University, I got laid off from my job. I was picky with the next job that came my way because I wanted something part-time and in the field I want. I ended up landing the job I wanted and I am quite happy where I am. I didn't settle for the usual admin role that would make me go on autopilot. I didn't just stop there. I looked at my romantic past since my divorce and realized that I was finding partners who were unavailable in some way. I didn't want to fully commit to someone because that meant eventually meshing my life with my baby bat's life. I held back and found non-committal partners because I was afraid of my Baby Bat getting attached to the other person. This has happened before and since then, I always had the "what if the relationship doesn't work out?" mindset hanging over me. In the end, this theory worked because I was the only one who got hurt. The fear and/or anxiety of seeing my kid get hurt took over and I sincerely thought I wanted something low-key. I see now that I made a huge colossal mistake. Thanks to my baby bat's dad who made me realize that I am not the "situationship" type of girl. I am a girlfriend-relationship type of girl! I realize that it has been several years since my divorce and some time has passed since my last serious relationship. It's OK to have someone come into our lives if they want the same things I do. I need to bring down some of the walls I put up if I want those things to happen. I need to let go and just accept that I am worthy of giving and receiving love. It is not always up to me to make an effort.  I am very excited to see what will unfold in this department in the future! It is not a priority or a goal to be in a relationship but it is definitely something to look forward to should this happen. Right now, I am quite comfortable and happy being single too. Being solo is also a new thing for me but I am sticking to my resolve: a relationship is not something I am going to go looking for. If it happens, yay me but if it doesn't happen, yay me as well! I am just no longer going to entertain people who don't want the same things I do. Knowing what I want and accepting it will definitely help me in the long run. 

Sounds like a good plan to me!

The most amazing thing happened to me this year too. I learned that I can believe in myself. I am done setting the bar low in my life. I am also better equipped at dealing with my mental health, I feel like I was really tested in that department too. With all that has happened, as much as there were tears and heartbreak, I do not regret anything. Would I have handled things differently should I ever encounter similar circumstances? Absolutely! I levelled up! I am quite excited to see what 2023 brings and I am hopeful that with this new mindset and knowledge, I am better equipped at dealing with whatever gets thrown my way! 

Looking back has allowed me to see how much of a path I cleared out for myself this past year. I can now sit back and look at all the hard work I did and you have no idea how excited I am to start classes and see how my life unfolds. For some people, walking in the unknown is scary but for me, it is a big adventure! It comes as no surprise that I also pulled The Fool tarot card many times in my readings!

This is where I got the image

This is one of the many reasons why I started blogging again. I feel like now is a great time to start writing as it is a period of my life where I would want a record of my transformations! It would be interesting for me to read about all this in a couple of months and look back to when my life started to change! I am so ready to embark on some new adventures. I may not always go in heels but I got my Doc Martens and some killer platforms too! 

While this blog is really for me to enjoy, I do appreciate all of you who read my posts. Your comments are always welcome and they really do make me smile. I know that I share my posts on social media and many of you are family and friends. I do appreciate all the support. I would like to also thank my returning visitors who just type my URL in their browsers that come by and visit. I was super touched when I looked at my Google Analytics the other day and saw so many page views! For a new blog, I am impressed with the traction it has received. Being a marketing coordinator, I know the importance of SEO and am learning how to write for an audience. I do so for work but when it comes to my own personal blog, SEO takes a back seat.  I wasn't looking for traction or popularity or even getting monetary compensation for this (though I am open to it in the future) I just wanted my little space on the interweb so I could write. The fact that people actually read my stuff is a pleasant surprise. Thanks to my friends and family who take time out to read my blog and also thank you to new readers who have found me by accident or through Google search. Hello there, strangers! I am hoping I could put some of the new SEO skills I learned to use in the future and am asking for suggestions on topics I could write about in this blog. So don't be shy! Comment or use the contact form in the sidebar -if you are on your phone, you can access this feature by tapping the hamburger menu on the left-hand side, then simply scroll down to the contact form! Here is an example:

Once again, thank you all for reading. Until my next post!  


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