
Showing posts with the label Holiday

From Cynicism to Celebration: Unveiling the Magic of Togetherness

“And what happened, then? Well, in Whoville they say – that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten Grinches, plus two!”  -  Seuss. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! HarperCollins Children’s Books, 2023. Despite being pressed for time, we still managed to put some lights on part of the house!  Dear readers, Merry Christmas! If you've been following this blog, you might have noticed my absence, and for that, I sincerely apologise. The recent move from Montreal, Quebec to a charming town in Ontario demanded much of my time and attention. The process of settling into a new home, alongside renovations, seemed like a whirlwind, affirming the saying, "time flies by." My partner, Skye, and I also found ourselves racing around, engulfed in the chaos of the last two months as we prepared for the holiday season on top of everything else. Our decision to embrace Skye'

Dog Days of Ontario.

These scorching summer days, marked by oppressive humidity, truly embody the dog days of summer. The discomfort all began when the noxious smog from the Canadian wildfires blanketed the air, and to make matters worse, a wave of stifling humidity soon followed. Personally, I find muggy weather unbearable, so I've been seeking refuge at my boyfriend's cozy apartment in Ontario, where we've been huddling next to his beloved air conditioning unit. Spending the entire summer together has been an incredible journey of discovery for us, unveiling just how remarkably compatible we are. It's not just our shared silly quirks that align; we also have the same cleaning habits, sense of humour, and even the same contagious laugh. It all started when he visited my hometown of Montreal, Quebec. I proudly showed him around my condo, introduced him to my child and beloved dog, and together we embarked on numerous adventures. We strolled along the picturesque waterfront, wandered through

Making a French Canadian Gothmas!

My Holiday festivities started when I was invited to my friend's birthday party earlier this month. It was a formal affair and since I lost a considerable amount of weight, I had a cornucopia of clothing to choose from! I decided on a simple black dress that had a small layer of tulle underneath. Once I tried the dress on, I immediately got Sailor Moon vibes and I was inspired! Here is a cute photo of me!  A gothic Moon Princess! Working part-time during this period has made the Holiday preparations less stressful. I got to make a lovely homemade tourtière  (meat pie) My father was French Canadian and I tend to miss him this time of the year. Being able to make this dish is an excellent way to honour his memory. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos but the pie is safe in my freezer and we are all excited to devour it on the 24th!  Considering Dad was French Canadian and my mom was an Anglophone, my dad tried to pass on some of his traditions to me when I was younger. Usual

Discombobulated Corp Goth, Halloween 2022 edition

 Hello dear readers! Boy, do I have a silly story for you and I am really excited to share it!  It all started during the very early morning hours Monday morning (Halloween day} when my baby bat (my son) woke me up because he wasn't feeling good. He was sluggish and sniffling a lot. I let him sleep in my bed until my alarm goes off.  The thing is, I have several alarms on my phone. It is the most annoying sound in the world too and I am almost guaranteed to get up except this time, I kept shutting off my alarms and falling into a deep sleep. My alarms go off every 10 minutes! My ability to fall into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds always amazes me. I always know when my last alarm goes off because it tells me in a robotic voice to "get your ass out of bed" and this time, I decided to rebel against the robot and set the alarm to snooze. The thing is, my baby bat and I can sleep through a nuclear explosion and when the snooze alarm went off, we slept through it. I don&#