From Cynicism to Celebration: Unveiling the Magic of Togetherness

“And what happened, then? Well, in Whoville they say – that the Grinch's small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of ten Grinches, plus two!”  - Seuss. How the Grinch Stole Christmas! HarperCollins Children’s Books, 2023.

Despite being pressed for time, we still managed to put some lights on part of the house! 

Dear readers, Merry Christmas! If you've been following this blog, you might have noticed my absence, and for that, I sincerely apologise. The recent move from Montreal, Quebec to a charming town in Ontario demanded much of my time and attention. The process of settling into a new home, alongside renovations, seemed like a whirlwind, affirming the saying, "time flies by." My partner, Skye, and I also found ourselves racing around, engulfed in the chaos of the last two months as we prepared for the holiday season on top of everything else.

Our decision to embrace Skye's white tree this year is because not only am I still slightly irked over last year's tree light adventure—led us down a path inspired by his love for Tim Burton's "The Nightmare Before Christmas." With pride, I unveiled my collection of Nightmare Before Christmas Hallmark ornaments and even surprised him with some special additions I purchased for him. Christmas, for me, has been a blend of fondness and disdain over the years. I grew up amidst toxicity, yet my father always made Christmas Eve a cherished memory. After his passing, the joy associated with the season vanished, replaced by cynicism and bitterness. However, becoming a mother changed the narrative. The holiday ceased to be solely about me; instead, it became a source of joy through the eyes of my beloved child, rekindling a sense of warmth and festivity.

A Goth Christmas tree with some remaining clutter left to unpack after the move!

Skye, an enthusiast for all things Christmas, seamlessly integrated me into his cherished traditions. Throughout the month, we indulged in a medley of Christmas movies, from classics like "Home Alone" to more obscure ones with a tinge of horror.

Introducing a novel tradition, dubbed "The 12 Days of Christmas," we've taken cues from the eponymous song, exchanging small, inexpensive gifts for twelve consecutive days leading up to the 25th. These presents span a wide spectrum, from eyeliner and lipsticks to quirky magnets and delightful treats.
The socks were part of a set found in one of my 12 Days presents! Yes, those are Grinch pajama pants, how convenient!

Every morning, the anticipation lingers as we exchange these tokens, cleverly hidden beneath the adorned trees in our respective rooms. Initially intending to utilise our stockings, we modified the hunt with clues—each morning, a stocking hanging over our beds reveals a sticker hinting at the location of the day's gift. Despite Skye not officially moving in yet (though he practically lives here), we've designated the spare room as his, where he's set up a charming mini black tree. 

In our haste, he still hasn't had time to decorate! We painted his room black and red! 

In contrast, I've adorned my room with a delightful pink tree, both serving as the backdrop for this daily treasure hunt. The element of surprise is further heightened by constantly relocating the gifts, adding an extra layer of delight to our morning routines.

My pink tree surrounded by Hatsune Miku Vocaloid figures. We painted my walls pink and black! So me! 

Reflecting on bygone days, a former colleague once remarked on my ex-husband and my disinterest in exchanging gifts, focusing instead on our child during the holiday season. Back then, we both wore the Grinch's cloak, viewing Christmas as a mere obligation because of our child. She suggested, "Even a small gesture matters, even if it is a small gift from the dollar store. It's about acknowledging each other. Trust me, it's important." Regrettably, I dismissed her advice. In hindsight, perhaps such gestures could have prolonged our marriage.

This year marks a departure from the norm. Initially intending to celebrate solely for my child and Skye, I find myself embracing the spirit of Christmas for my own joy. The thrill of selecting thoughtful gifts for the person dearest to me, eagerly anticipating their reactions on Christmas morning, is undeniably infectious. I sense Skye's reciprocal excitement, and this shared anticipation has enveloped our home in an enchanting aura.

Now,  I have the privilege of spending Christmas with those I hold closest to my heart, nestled under the roof of our new home—a cherished milestone in this journey of love and renewal. Gratitude fills my heart for the incredible love of my life, who has illuminated the true essence of this holiday season. Admittedly, amid the flurry of holiday consumerism, our intentions remained pure. It's not merely the array of gifts nestled under our tree that holds significance but the priceless moments we share, snugly embracing each other, that truly resonate with me. The joy comes from our togetherness as we bask in the warmth of our companionship during this cherished time and now I can truly see how special the holiday really is. 


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