
Showing posts with the label rant

Genetic Defect

“Love pushes us to believe, even when reason tells us we should stop. Love compels us to move carefully, to consider the consequences of our actions. Love reminds us what’s worth fighting for, what isn’t. Love begs us to stop being passive and finally act. If you can’t write about us with a love for who we are as a people, what we’ve survived, what we’ve accomplished despite all attempts to keep us from doing so; if you can’t look at us as we are and feel your pupils go wide, rendering all stereotypes a sham, a poor copy, a disgrace—then why are you writing about us at all?” - Alicia Elliott, author of "Mind Spread Out on the Ground" I was a kid in the 1980s and a teenager in the 90s. I grew up in a Montreal suburban home with two cars, I had a dog and later, a cat, went to church every Sunday with my father, and went to a French elementary school despite being anglophone speaking. I took pride in my waist-length blonde hair and blue eyes. Throughout my childhood, I was told

Hell week

 Remember when I wrote about enjoying a moment of tranquillity in my life? Well, the last two weeks have been complete and utter shit! This week has really taken the cake! You know when your Monday starts off on the wrong foot, the rest of the week is pretty shitty! While I was at work on Monday, the baby bat broke his house key again (he also broke it last week) while trying to unlock the front door. His fantastic dad came by to let him in so I didn't have to skip out of work early.  I also got an email on Monday evening from my baby bat's super awesome teacher who was a bit concerned. He was sick at school and his health took a turn for the worst Monday night. I spent the week nursing a very sick kid, fixing a huge banking error which resulted in me paying my bills late, and getting a lot of bad migraines from stress. While my banking issue is still not completely fixed, I saw many cool locks for the door you can buy that have keypads on them and can even unlock the door


I posted the other day about feeling like I was hit in the face with a pie. As a side, I am being nerdy here, check out my title, hehe! If you get it, comment!  Anyways, I was angry and I posted a big eff you to the Universe or God or whatever because I just had enough with this bad luck streak.  I vented to a really good friend of mine and she mentioned something about Mercury being in retrograde. Apparently, it will be ending soon and I am glad for the dust to settle so to speak. I am starting to see some truth behind her words about the whole retrograde thing: You know when you get angry and when you are done raging, you have this moment of serene calm, then the depression hits because you realized that deep down, you weren't really angry but really frigging sad? I had an epiphany where I realized that a lot of my anger towards things was really my inability to fully grasp a concept. I am actually pretty annoyed at myself.  Seriously, the pies just keep on coming! I realized I w

A touch of insanity is always good for a girl

If you watched the TV series, "Invader Zim" by Jhonen Vasquez, you would know that the character, Zim laughs maniacally whenever shit hits the fan or he is up to no good.  I feel like Zim right now. It feels like the world around me is one colossal dumpster fire and I am up in my spaceship or little house with garden gnomes, sitting at my desktop, just laughing maniacally.  For context, here is a humourous gif of Zim's maniacal laugh. If you can hear images, this would be the one! Have fun, enjoy! I guess it is no surprise to you, dear readers, that I have ultimately and utterly lost my shit. You see, over a year ago, I didn't follow my gut when it came to this certain individual. Turns out, I was lucky and noticed before anything major can happen but I like to think that I had a horseshoe up my butt, two guardian angels at my side, and four leaf clovers shoved up my nose. In simpler terms, I narrowly avoided a nuclear explosion!  I decided then and there to be the go