
Showing posts with the label Outfit Post

Making a French Canadian Gothmas!

My Holiday festivities started when I was invited to my friend's birthday party earlier this month. It was a formal affair and since I lost a considerable amount of weight, I had a cornucopia of clothing to choose from! I decided on a simple black dress that had a small layer of tulle underneath. Once I tried the dress on, I immediately got Sailor Moon vibes and I was inspired! Here is a cute photo of me!  A gothic Moon Princess! Working part-time during this period has made the Holiday preparations less stressful. I got to make a lovely homemade tourtière  (meat pie) My father was French Canadian and I tend to miss him this time of the year. Being able to make this dish is an excellent way to honour his memory. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos but the pie is safe in my freezer and we are all excited to devour it on the 24th!  Considering Dad was French Canadian and my mom was an Anglophone, my dad tried to pass on some of his traditions to me when I was younger. Usual

Doing it my way

 "...I'll state my case of which I am certain I've lived a life that's full I've travelled each and every highway and much more than this, I did it my way"  - Written by Paul Anka, performed by Frank Sinatra and Sid Vicious  I have written extensively on the subject of recently finding my own self-confidence, having goals and just simply living life my way! I want to expand on how I am making my life about me and the key moments that influenced this new way of life.  I am at a period in my life where I am making it all about me! I see the road ahead and no one is going to stop me from taking my chosen path. No one. I have come too far! When I was at work on Monday and stepped into the washroom to take a selfie because there is a beautiful full-length mirror in there, I admired myself. Lately, I have been dressing for myself. I wear my makeup for me. I am not doing it for a job so I can "look normal" or even to impress a romantic interest. I invested

The Storm rages on and a dirty mirror

 In my previous post , I wrote about being in a moment of calmness in my life. I think I jinxed my situation because when Monday rolled around, it feels like I was hit by a massive rainstorm! It all started on Monday when I forced my son to go to school. I really thought he was faking it. I go to work and get a call from the school. He was really sick and they wanted to send him home. My baby bat (my son) is old enough to walk home and has a house key so I gave permission. Turns out, his dad also caught the bug and was sick too.  Things at my job are picking up. There is a lot to do before the Christmas holidays and my boss asked me if I would be open to working full-time for a while. Having extra money before the Holidays would be lovely so I agreed to his offer.  Turns out, the baby bat was really sick and not faking it. I thought I was the worst mom in the world! Not only did the poor kid get a stomach virus, but he also got laryngitis! Long story short, when my son's dad felt b

Discombobulated Corp Goth, Halloween 2022 edition

 Hello dear readers! Boy, do I have a silly story for you and I am really excited to share it!  It all started during the very early morning hours Monday morning (Halloween day} when my baby bat (my son) woke me up because he wasn't feeling good. He was sluggish and sniffling a lot. I let him sleep in my bed until my alarm goes off.  The thing is, I have several alarms on my phone. It is the most annoying sound in the world too and I am almost guaranteed to get up except this time, I kept shutting off my alarms and falling into a deep sleep. My alarms go off every 10 minutes! My ability to fall into a deep sleep in a matter of seconds always amazes me. I always know when my last alarm goes off because it tells me in a robotic voice to "get your ass out of bed" and this time, I decided to rebel against the robot and set the alarm to snooze. The thing is, my baby bat and I can sleep through a nuclear explosion and when the snooze alarm went off, we slept through it. I don&#

The discombobulated life of a corp goth

 "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents." - Bob Ross Well, dear readers, I got a funny story for you all. It all happened on Friday when I went to a job interview. I thought I was prepared by laying out my clothes the night before. I forgot that most of my corp goth outfits don't quite fit me due to the weight gain that happened over the pandemic. I still got a whopping 15 pounds to lose and I thought "oh I am sure it will fit, I will be fine." That was my death wish indeed! Those are the best final words I could have muttered to myself before falling asleep last night! I got up early enough and since I had plenty of time to spare, I decided to watch a movie. I somehow lost track of time and had to get ready in a hurry. I picked out my best undergarments as I wanted to feel confident (there is a point to this, I will get to it in a bit, trust me!) Seriously ladies, wear those sexy undergarments if that is your thing! It really does help boost y