
Showing posts from July, 2023

Old School Appreciation

A couple of years ago, I made a life-changing decision to purchase a Kindle, which I believed was the epitome of modern innovation. The convenience it offered was unparalleled, as I bid farewell to the hassle of searching for bookmarks, and the built-in backlight made late-night reading a breeze. The exceptional battery life further solidified my admiration for this digital marvel. However, as time went on, I discovered that my love for physical books remained unyielding. There was an inexplicable allure in the tangible experience of holding an actual hard copy, immersing myself in its unique scent, and relishing the satisfaction of turning the pages with my hand instead of a mere flick of the finger. A vintage-looking copy of Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein (Book Outlet) When I embarked on my university journey, I decided to put this preference to the test. I alternated between reading digital copies of my textbooks and using traditional hard copies. Inevitably, the latter won

Healing Journey: Depression to Joy

Around this time last year, I found myself at the lowest point in my life. My heart was broken, and depression consumed me, causing me to spiral out of control. Every day felt like a battle just to keep my head above water as I struggled to crawl out of the pit of despair. I spent months confined to my bed, lacking the energy or desire to do even the simplest tasks like showering or cleaning my house. But as time passed, I began to slowly pick myself up from the darkness. Usagi Tsukino, Sailor Moon (1992) Like a phoenix rising from its ashes, my journey of healing commenced with a life-changing event: receiving an acceptance letter from Concordia University. I was ecstatic to be admitted into my first-choice program, English Literature, even though I missed the deadline for the Fall Semester, and my studies would begin in the Winter. This opportunity motivated me to reignite my passions for reading and blogging, which brought genuine happiness into my life once again. When school star

Love in Beta Testing

Navigating a relationship with a musician or writer can be an exhilarating yet amusing experience, especially when you find yourself at the center of their creative inspiration. This post is an affectionate dedication to my partner, where my profession as a writer, allows me to explore our quirks and idiosyncrasies and get inspired to write about it. We affectionately refer to this phase of our relationship as "beta testing," where we're continually learning about each other and testing our compatibility in the close confines of his cozy, tiny apartment. Living together temporarily for an extended period has provided us with a unique opportunity to delve into each other's lives and truly understand one another. While some may struggle with the proximity, we, as introverted souls, have surprisingly found solace in each other's company. Of course, living in such proximity has its challenges, but this post focuses on the endearing and lighthearted aspects of our jour

Dog Days of Ontario.

These scorching summer days, marked by oppressive humidity, truly embody the dog days of summer. The discomfort all began when the noxious smog from the Canadian wildfires blanketed the air, and to make matters worse, a wave of stifling humidity soon followed. Personally, I find muggy weather unbearable, so I've been seeking refuge at my boyfriend's cozy apartment in Ontario, where we've been huddling next to his beloved air conditioning unit. Spending the entire summer together has been an incredible journey of discovery for us, unveiling just how remarkably compatible we are. It's not just our shared silly quirks that align; we also have the same cleaning habits, sense of humour, and even the same contagious laugh. It all started when he visited my hometown of Montreal, Quebec. I proudly showed him around my condo, introduced him to my child and beloved dog, and together we embarked on numerous adventures. We strolled along the picturesque waterfront, wandered through

Summer Time Reading Challenge or Method To My Madness?

As I eagerly await the start of classes in September, I am utilizing this summer to indulge in my passion for reading. Recently, I completed Marion Zimmer Bradley's "The Mists of Avalon," a weighty novel that took me on an extraordinary journey. However, I have decided to embark on an even greater challenge: reading J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Silmarillion." If you are familiar with Tolkien's works, you'll understand the demanding nature of this particular book. Personally, I find it to be excessively descriptive and occasionally tedious to read. This sentiment resonated with me when I delved into Beowulf for my Medieval Literature class last semester. However, by the end of that epic poem, I found myself thoroughly captivated by the story, and I hope to experience a similar transformation with "The Silmarillion." Additionally, I anticipate that this novel will provide greater depth and insight into Tolkien's other renowned works, such as &qu