Summer Time Reading Challenge or Method To My Madness?

As I eagerly await the start of classes in September, I am utilizing this summer to indulge in my passion for reading. Recently, I completed Marion Zimmer Bradley's "The Mists of Avalon," a weighty novel that took me on an extraordinary journey. However, I have decided to embark on an even greater challenge: reading J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Silmarillion." If you are familiar with Tolkien's works, you'll understand the demanding nature of this particular book. Personally, I find it to be excessively descriptive and occasionally tedious to read. This sentiment resonated with me when I delved into Beowulf for my Medieval Literature class last semester. However, by the end of that epic poem, I found myself thoroughly captivated by the story, and I hope to experience a similar transformation with "The Silmarillion." Additionally, I anticipate that this novel will provide greater depth and insight into Tolkien's other renowned works, such as "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy.

A photo of the books I am currently reading

To maintain motivation and tackle the ever-expanding list of books I wish to read, I have set a personal challenge for myself. After completing a chapter from "The Silmarillion," I will delve into a story from Hans Christian Andersen's Complete Collection of Fairy Tales. Following that, I will immerse myself in a chapter from Holly Jackson's gripping novel, "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder," and then savour a poem from Jim Morrison's evocative collection, "The American Night." By alternating between these diverse literary works, I prevent myself from feeling overwhelmed and make substantial progress in conquering the books that have been gathering dust on my shelves. My ultimate goal is to reward myself with a purchase from my long-standing wishlist once I am done reading these books. I am determined not to acquire any new books until I have made a substantial dent in the ones that I already possess. Far too often, I find myself accumulating new additions to my collection, only to leave them neglected and untouched. It's high time I change that and give these books the attention they deserve!

I occasionally post my reading recommendations when I come across some texts I am particularly fond of. Please feel free to check put my book recommendations tab!


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