
Showing posts with the label Life Update

Moving to Ontario: A Journey of Challenges and Triumphs

Moving to Ontario certainly came with its ups and downs. Relocating is always a stressful endeavour, but crossing provincial borders adds a unique set of challenges. Let's begin this blog post by recounting my experience of selling my condo in a particularly tough real estate market. In the face of economic uncertainty, inflation, and rising mortgage rates, I consider myself fortunate to have received a good offer for my condo. I attribute this success to my condo's prime location in one of Montreal's most sought-after neighbourhoods. Nevertheless, the sale was not without its share of skepticism and negotiation. The process was certainly demanding, not to mention the effort required for staging the condo and vacating it for showings. However, in the end, all the effort proved to be worth it. I distinctly remember stumbling upon my dream home online. Last summer, during a visit to my boyfriend in his quaint Ontario town, I arranged with a real estate agent to see the house.

Montreal Condo Sold: Onto New Beginnings

Downtown Montreal view as seen from the Mount Royal lookout (image source:  Mtl Blog) I'm excited to share the news that my condo has been successfully sold. Despite the current market conditions, I am grateful that the sale didn't result in a significant loss. One of the primary reasons for selling my condo was that moving out of Montreal had been on my mind for quite some time. Another deciding factor was the fact that I fell in love with my boyfriend's charming Ontario town. This provided me with the extra motivation to make the move. Living in one of Montreal's most popular neighbourhoods has been convenient and enjoyable due to its proximity to various amenities, parks, public transit, a public pool, and even a beach. It was undoubtedly a fantastic experience, but as the years passed, the city's allure started to fade. One of the major reasons for this is the persistent linguistic politics that have existed long before my time, but unfortunately, these issues s

Healing Journey: Depression to Joy

Around this time last year, I found myself at the lowest point in my life. My heart was broken, and depression consumed me, causing me to spiral out of control. Every day felt like a battle just to keep my head above water as I struggled to crawl out of the pit of despair. I spent months confined to my bed, lacking the energy or desire to do even the simplest tasks like showering or cleaning my house. But as time passed, I began to slowly pick myself up from the darkness. Usagi Tsukino, Sailor Moon (1992) Like a phoenix rising from its ashes, my journey of healing commenced with a life-changing event: receiving an acceptance letter from Concordia University. I was ecstatic to be admitted into my first-choice program, English Literature, even though I missed the deadline for the Fall Semester, and my studies would begin in the Winter. This opportunity motivated me to reignite my passions for reading and blogging, which brought genuine happiness into my life once again. When school star

Dog Days of Ontario.

These scorching summer days, marked by oppressive humidity, truly embody the dog days of summer. The discomfort all began when the noxious smog from the Canadian wildfires blanketed the air, and to make matters worse, a wave of stifling humidity soon followed. Personally, I find muggy weather unbearable, so I've been seeking refuge at my boyfriend's cozy apartment in Ontario, where we've been huddling next to his beloved air conditioning unit. Spending the entire summer together has been an incredible journey of discovery for us, unveiling just how remarkably compatible we are. It's not just our shared silly quirks that align; we also have the same cleaning habits, sense of humour, and even the same contagious laugh. It all started when he visited my hometown of Montreal, Quebec. I proudly showed him around my condo, introduced him to my child and beloved dog, and together we embarked on numerous adventures. We strolled along the picturesque waterfront, wandered through

Emotional Graduation and New Beginnings

  ''You'll get mixed up, of course, as you already know. You'll get mixed up with many strange birds as you go. So be sure when you step. Step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act. Just never forget to be dexterous and deft. And never mix up your right foot with your left. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.) KID, YOU'LL MOVE MOUNTAINS!'  - Seuss. Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Random House, 2020.  My baby bat graduated elementary school the other day and my heart swelled with pride and joy.  As most of you know, my birth story was a difficult one and this particular milestone holds a profound significance for me considering the challenging journey I had endured since giving birth. As a result, I am reminded of the fortune I possess whenever I celebrate my child's accomplishments and I am truly grateful to have the opportunity to experience the joys of motherhood when there was a tim

How I learned to discern between the genuine gentlemen and the shallow charlatans.

''Some men are like chocolate But most of them are like shit And if you don't have the experience To spot that tiny difference You're likely to fall for all of it.''  Source: Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble of Shadows, Some Men Are Like Chocolate, 2017, Les Fleurs Du Mal Album  "I spent months crying or waiting for someone who only gave me breadcrumbs'' Is a quote I heard someone say and  I can unfortunately relate to this sentiment where heartache intertwines with anticipation, for I too have dwelled in its melancholic embrace. And now, as I witness others experiencing this torment, it ignites a spark of inspiration within me, compelling me to write. I eventually recognised that I had expended countless months blaming myself for pursuing an illusion, an idea of someone or the mere concept of a relationship that I yearned for. Instead, I should have invested my time and energy in endeavours that truly mattered to me. Eventually, I took my power ba

It Always Happens When You're Not Looking

The conclusion of my first semester as a University student has finally arrived, and with it comes a much-needed moment of respite. The weight of essays and finals has been lifted from my shoulders, allowing me to take a deep breath and shift my focus towards my job search. Looking back, I realize that I might have underestimated the academic rigor of University-level coursework, especially as an undergraduate, first semester student who hasn't been in school for about 20 years!  Only towards the end of the semester did I realize that I should have started with lower-level courses (level 200) instead. No wonder I struggled so much! I vividly recall the tears I shed when I received unsatisfactory grades on my first midterm essay and another midterm exam for a different course. However, I'm proud of myself for not letting those setbacks defeat me. I picked myself up and dusted off my ego, determined to do better. I took advantage of my professor's office hours and poured my h

A coffee, and a Life Update

It's been a month since I last posted, and why not post something now for the hell of it? Not much is happening over here. I have not really been inspired to write anything since I am surviving my first semester at University. It has been a tough transition for me. It all started at the end of January when I quit my part-time job. It needed to be a better fit for me and there were too many demands. It was hard to balance my studies and baby bat plus working over 24 hours per week. I took a break from job searching for a few weeks because my mental health went to shit and I was about to start my midterms. Now that my midterms are out of the way, I have resumed the job search. Someone once told me that the first semester can be hard for some people and I can attest to that. I am one of them. In addition to my mental health issues, I had some issues with my physical health. I got one virus after the other. While it wasn't Covid, these colds lasted for over two weeks and I was supe

Letting Go and The 5 Stages of Grief

Setting a butterfly free ( Meer ) Letting go of situations, people, jobs, and things that no longer serve you or your happiness is a step towards a productive life. Sometimes the decision itself to walk away is a difficult one to make but usually, in life, the most difficult decisions are the best ones. It doesn't matter what career you have or where you are in a personal relationship. Toxic is toxic. It is imperative to make sure you are living your life to its fullest. We often forget that our time here is limited and we need to make the best of it instead of just squandering it away on someone or a situation that is really doing more harm than good. Sometimes, we just need to walk away and focus on the things that matter to us. It sounds simple, doesn't it? Turns out, there is a whole process of letting go and it isn't as easy as we may think it is.  Why do we Struggle so Much With Letting go? Is it a fear of change or the unknown? Change is scary. Walking into the unkn

The Little Things

“You know," he said with unusual somberness, "I asked my father once why kenders were little, why we weren't big like humans and elves. I really wanted to be big," he said softly and for a moment he was quiet. "What did your father say?" asked Fizban gently. "He said kenders were small because we were meant to do small things. 'If you look at all the big things in the world closely,' he said, 'you'll see that they're really made up of small things all joined together.' That big dragon down there comes to nothing but tiny drops of blood, maybe. It's the small things that make the difference.” - Margaret Weis, author, Dragons of Autumn Twilight, Dragonlance Chronicles Beautiful snow filled branch! As I sit in my living room, with my laptop perched on a pillow, I am typing this while I am savouring my morning coffee. There's nothing quite like that first cup of coffee in the morning! My curtains on my window are slightly pa

Making a French Canadian Gothmas!

My Holiday festivities started when I was invited to my friend's birthday party earlier this month. It was a formal affair and since I lost a considerable amount of weight, I had a cornucopia of clothing to choose from! I decided on a simple black dress that had a small layer of tulle underneath. Once I tried the dress on, I immediately got Sailor Moon vibes and I was inspired! Here is a cute photo of me!  A gothic Moon Princess! Working part-time during this period has made the Holiday preparations less stressful. I got to make a lovely homemade tourtière  (meat pie) My father was French Canadian and I tend to miss him this time of the year. Being able to make this dish is an excellent way to honour his memory. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos but the pie is safe in my freezer and we are all excited to devour it on the 24th!  Considering Dad was French Canadian and my mom was an Anglophone, my dad tried to pass on some of his traditions to me when I was younger. Usual