A coffee, and a Life Update

It's been a month since I last posted, and why not post something now for the hell of it? Not much is happening over here. I have not really been inspired to write anything since I am surviving my first semester at University. It has been a tough transition for me.

It all started at the end of January when I quit my part-time job. It needed to be a better fit for me and there were too many demands. It was hard to balance my studies and baby bat plus working over 24 hours per week. I took a break from job searching for a few weeks because my mental health went to shit and I was about to start my midterms. Now that my midterms are out of the way, I have resumed the job search. Someone once told me that the first semester can be hard for some people and I can attest to that. I am one of them.

In addition to my mental health issues, I had some issues with my physical health. I got one virus after the other. While it wasn't Covid, these colds lasted for over two weeks and I was super sick. I only fully recovered last week. 

I still love all my classes and am happy to have the privilege of studying various types of literature. This week, I was introduced to modernist literature. While it is not my cup of tea, it is still fun to explore all the facets of literary study. I am just having trouble adapting to the demands of a University student and I am grateful I didn't take a full course load!

This past week has been a bit of a roller coaster for me. I got an unsatisfactory grade on one of my midterms. While the professor mentioned that most people got a similar grade and he then dedicated an amount of time in our next class to point out our common mistakes (which I made) I won't lie, my ego was still bruised. Yes, I passed but I am used to getting honour roll grades and academics always came easy to me. I remember going for a walk after that class and I cried a little bit! I don't want to "fit in" and I most certainly want to thrive. I picked up my bruised ego off the floor and decided to learn from my errors. I am super confident I am going to nail the next essay. In addition, this was the first academic, literary essay I ever wrote and it didn't count for a large percentage of my overall grade. I can recover! On the other hand, when I arrived at my next class and got the grade for that midterm essay, I was happy to see that I got a satisfactory grade. It shows me that I have evolved considerably in a short period of time. I know one of my goals was to not put too much pressure on myself but I am seriously considering grad school later on. I need a good GPA to get in. If I decide that grad school isn't for me, at least I know I did my very best. I dislike setting the bar low for anything in my life.

While I do live close to campus, there are times I stay behind to get some work done. I do love going to the library but it's too quiet to study. There are lots of lounge areas available but they sometimes get loud and annoying. I found the perfect coffee shop nearby that is not too loud and not too quiet. It is wonderful! One of the baristas is a huge anime fan and we became instant friends. I love how fandoms can connect people together. 

Due to being sick and juggling everything else, I haven't had much of a social life but it's winter and it sucks having to go out in the cold! So thank you for reading this and I hope the Sailor Moon stickers I placed on my laptop can help make this post less dull and boring! 


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