
Showing posts from March, 2023

A coffee, and a Life Update

It's been a month since I last posted, and why not post something now for the hell of it? Not much is happening over here. I have not really been inspired to write anything since I am surviving my first semester at University. It has been a tough transition for me. It all started at the end of January when I quit my part-time job. It needed to be a better fit for me and there were too many demands. It was hard to balance my studies and baby bat plus working over 24 hours per week. I took a break from job searching for a few weeks because my mental health went to shit and I was about to start my midterms. Now that my midterms are out of the way, I have resumed the job search. Someone once told me that the first semester can be hard for some people and I can attest to that. I am one of them. In addition to my mental health issues, I had some issues with my physical health. I got one virus after the other. While it wasn't Covid, these colds lasted for over two weeks and I was supe