
Just Reading The Books

Image of my University's library, taken from their website ( Concordia ) I had some time to kill between classes yesterday afternoon and instead of trekking back home for an hour, I decided to stay on campus to kill time by visiting the library. Since I was young, I always felt happy and at peace there because being surrounded by all the lovely books is soothing for me. In fact, I walked around like a kid in a candy store and even got to see some very old books displayed behind some plexiglass! How I wanted to reach through those plexiglass cabinets to touch those old, yellow pages! I love old books, they always make me wonder about their previous owners and wonder what they thought or felt while reading those stories. To me, reading is not just reading words on a page. I get transported to a different place or time. Depending on what I am reading, I can visit a fantasy world such as Middle Earth or time travel back in time and discover how people lived in that period. I can read b

Sailor Moon International Fan Club, Is It Worth It?

I am a huge Sailor Moon fan and I pay a yearly membership fee (roughly $100 Canadian) to be honest, I don't think it is worthwhile unless you are a die-hard Sailor Moon fan like me. The membership does have perks, though. You get access to fan club-exclusive licensed items that you can purchase directly from their website .  Sailor Moon & Tuxedo Mask Plush is an exclusive item for Sailor Moon Fan Club Members Only In addition, International Fan Club members get a little gift every year. This year, I was quite happy with my perks! Like always, I got my membership card. Every year, you get a new card and the picture is different. I got an adorable notebook, a sticker, a collector's pin, and my favourite piece: a moon stick bracelet! Each member gets the same yearly perks. I really love the artwork on the notebook and sticker as it is the same artwork that can be seen in the mangas. My membership card and I blotted out my ID number, hehe! The sticker! I love this artwork, so

Letting Go and The 5 Stages of Grief

Setting a butterfly free ( Meer ) Letting go of situations, people, jobs, and things that no longer serve you or your happiness is a step towards a productive life. Sometimes the decision itself to walk away is a difficult one to make but usually, in life, the most difficult decisions are the best ones. It doesn't matter what career you have or where you are in a personal relationship. Toxic is toxic. It is imperative to make sure you are living your life to its fullest. We often forget that our time here is limited and we need to make the best of it instead of just squandering it away on someone or a situation that is really doing more harm than good. Sometimes, we just need to walk away and focus on the things that matter to us. It sounds simple, doesn't it? Turns out, there is a whole process of letting go and it isn't as easy as we may think it is.  Why do we Struggle so Much With Letting go? Is it a fear of change or the unknown? Change is scary. Walking into the unkn

Genetic Defect

“Love pushes us to believe, even when reason tells us we should stop. Love compels us to move carefully, to consider the consequences of our actions. Love reminds us what’s worth fighting for, what isn’t. Love begs us to stop being passive and finally act. If you can’t write about us with a love for who we are as a people, what we’ve survived, what we’ve accomplished despite all attempts to keep us from doing so; if you can’t look at us as we are and feel your pupils go wide, rendering all stereotypes a sham, a poor copy, a disgrace—then why are you writing about us at all?” - Alicia Elliott, author of "Mind Spread Out on the Ground" I was a kid in the 1980s and a teenager in the 90s. I grew up in a Montreal suburban home with two cars, I had a dog and later, a cat, went to church every Sunday with my father, and went to a French elementary school despite being anglophone speaking. I took pride in my waist-length blonde hair and blue eyes. Throughout my childhood, I was told

Mental Health Check-In: Fulfilment is key to Happiness

A good visual representation of mental illness ( Plan Street Inc .) If you are an avid reader of this blog, you would know the subject of mental health is a common theme. I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety and was told by my psychiatrist that I have traits of BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder). I struggle with my issues daily and I often find myself battling with my mind. After years of therapy and shadow work, I like to think that I am pretty good at knowing my triggers and what tools I can use in difficult moments. It is a lot of work and it can be exhausting.  Of Feeling Fulfilled; Dating, Friendships, Work, and School I wrote in my previous post " Our Story " about not needing to be in a romantic relationship to be happy. I also wrote that this was a lesson that I had to, unfortunately, learn the hard way. Sure, I miss having that special someone to complain about silly things to, to cuddle with while watching a movie, to talk about all sorts of things with, a

Our Story

***Disclaimer: If you have been reading my previous posts, you will know that I used to refer to my kid as he/him. While I have been aware of this for a while now, it is only recently she asked me to change her pronouns to she/her. I ask that you be respectful. *** My first post on this blog was about my pregnancy and the harrowing experience I encountered.  I would like to sum up what happened after: I was 30 weeks pregnant here. This is right before my placenta previa diagnosis. Breast vs Bottle If you are very pro-breastfeeding, please skip this section and before I go any further, no I am not interested in hearing "but if you tried harder, you could have done it" or hearing about how if I did x,y,z, I would have been able to. Considering my kid is almost a teenager, I don't think this information would be useful to me anymore! I am an advocate of breastfeeding. I do strongly believe that it is the best thing you could do for your child. On the other hand, I strongly

The Discombobulated Life of a University Student

Today was my first day at University. It was everything I imagined it would be and much, much more. As you guessed from this blog's title, it was a crazy, wild day! I had a dream! Let's start from the beginning. A few days ago, I had a dream that I got lost on campus and couldn't find my class. In my dream, I even took the school's shuttle bus and went to the other campus that is located across the city. I ended up finding the class by the time it was over. I had to take a photo of Concordia University's shuttle bus that takes you to the Loyola campus. I thought it was hilarious considering the circumstances! Guess what really happened? It all started when I woke up at 3:30am with a migraine. I took one of my meds with some Tylenol and fell back to sleep once the pills started to take effect. My alarms (yes, that is plural and not a typo) went off and I promptly shut them off. I snoozed my last alarm but slept through it. My baby bat's dad had a premonition and