Making Christmas: A gothic Christmas tree

“When they got here It would cast them, shrieking and insane, into the deadlights" - Stephen King, It

I think it has been two years since I purchased my black Christmas tree. I love my tree, except for the lights it came with. They are white and shiny and too bright for my liking. I spent my entire Sunday afternoon cutting off zip ties because the manufacturer zip tied the frigging lights to the branches! I wanted purple lights this year! I decided to do this task on the weekend when the baby bat wasn't home. I love my kid but every time I bring out the Christmas decorations, the kid goes nuts and has to decorate right away. I am so tired of looking at those white lights that for my sanity's sake, I decided to remove the lights when he wasn't home. This way, I am not being interrupted every five minutes with the same old question "is the tree ready yet?" and I can do the tedious job in peace! I used to relate to Lydia from Beetlejuice so much but now I can sympathize with the stepmom!

I was excited to display my house from the movie Christmas Vacation starring Chevy Chase. This is one of my favourite Holiday movies and I watch it several times every year! I ordered it online last year and it came in after the Holidays. I waited almost a whole year to take these out of the boxes!

To add some festivities, I took my Christmas Hatsune Miku figures off my shelves and placed them on my my stand along with my vintage candles and moose in an ugly sweater!

I don't have too many decorations but my sister loves Christmas. She goes crazy with the decorations every year. Whenever I walk into her place during the Holiday season, I always feel like Jack Skellington walking into Christmas Land for the first time. Here are some photos I stole from her Facebook. These were photos from previous years. She loves snowmen and has a crazy collection! She also collects houses too and has a little Christmas village. She has so much stuff, she will be donating some decorations to me so I can make my home more Christmasey! I will hopefully be seeing her soon and will post photos of the decorations I got from her and how I decorated my house. To be honest, I am not super into Christmas. I look forward to it every year because I am a mom and I do it for my kid. If I wasn't a mother, I wouldn't be bothered with the decorating or cooking and all the madness that comes before the Holidays. This time of the year can be pretty stressful. My sister is nutty like me, I guess it runs in the family!

I waited for my baby bat to return from seeing his dad and we put up the ornaments on the tree. Here is a photo of all the crap I had to clean up from cutting off those zip ties and a photo of our tree!

On my curtain rod, I hung lights and some vintage glass ornaments! I love vintage Christmas items! Unfortunately, I dropped one of the ornaments and it shattered to pieces!

I hung my baby bat's stocking over my door and placed this lovely Christmas bat I received from The lovely Goth Gardener many moons ago! It has been one of my favourite decorations for many years now!

As usual, I cooked up a nice Sunday meal. It was roast beef (I call it roast beast because it's more fun that way) with potatoes and gravy. The dessert was store bought this time around. I was too busy and tired to cook anything else!

Now that the decorations are up, I got to start the lovely task of Christmas shopping and gift wrapping! I am sure many moms, be it or goth or not, are stressed this time of the year!


  1. Roast beef, love it..
    I say peckeroni, green peckers, moustard (mustard), and catshit. (Ketchup) love the decor!

    1. Hahaha love it. I call it dipping sauce (be it ketchup, BBQ, you name it) dippy doo sauce. My sis started that trend with her kids and it stuck lol


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