The Discombobulated Life of a Coffee Drinker

A nice cup of coffee in my Michael Myers mug!

If you know me personally, you would undoubtedly be aware of my deep and unwavering love for coffee. It is not merely a beverage to me; it is an essential part of my daily routine, a sacred ritual that breathes life into my soul each morning. Without my beloved coffee, I transform into an irritable and frenzied individual, akin to a raving lunatic. Coffee, with its invigorating jolt of caffeine, never fails to uplift my spirits and infuse me with a renewed sense of vitality. It faithfully accompanies me through both the best and worst of times, serving as a source of encouragement during moments of despair and a loyal companion during moments of triumph. In essence, coffee is like a warm and comforting hug that never fails to envelop me in its embrace.

Lately, I have been unabashedly boasting about my intellectual prowess, particularly in light of my recent achievement: successfully completing my first semester at university with commendable grades. It is a source of immense pride for me, and I couldn't resist relishing in this accomplishment. Despite the arrival of summer, relaxation is far from my immediate plans. I find myself engrossed in various projects, although the details of these endeavours shall remain undisclosed for now because I do not want to tempt fate and risk jinxing anything!  Additionally, I am taking the time to catch up on my "fun reading" list, a welcome diversion amidst the demanding nature of academia. Nevertheless, I must admit that I miss the academic atmosphere dearly. Fortunately, as a student, I have the privilege of availing myself of my university's walk-in clinic, where I recently sought assistance for some minor health concerns. I assure you, dear readers, there is no cause for alarm; I am in good health and far from the brink of demise. As I passed by my cherished study spot on campus to reach the University's walk-in clinic, which is located conveniently near a delightful coffee shop, I was greeted with a friendly wave from one of the baristas. This incident serves as a testament to the profound significance of coffee in my life.

Over the past few days, I have found myself in a state of general malaise. An overwhelming sense of anxiety, fatigue, and overall discontent had taken hold of me, leaving me perplexed and disheartened. I couldn't help but notice that my daily cup of coffee seemed somehow amiss, its flavor lacking its usual charm. Given the financial strain caused by rising inflation, I had resorted to purchasing an off-brand coffee for my beloved Keurig machine, affectionately named Brewbacca. Unbeknownst to me, I had inadvertently been consuming decaffeinated coffee for the past five days—a grave mistake for a caffeine enthusiast like myself. 

Decaf K cups in the trash, where it belongs!

Blinded by my eagerness to save a few pennies, I had not noticed the absence of the crucial ingredient that lends coffee its invigorating properties.  I only realized this mishap today after finally acquiring a fresh supply of my preferred Starbucks French Roast K-cups and placing them side by side with Brewbacca, the truth was unveiled and boy, did I feel daft! Upon savoring a generous cup of my beloved Starbucks brew, a profound sense of relief washed over me, and the cloud of gloom that had enveloped me dissipated. As a result, The lesson of the day boys and girls, before you brag about being intellectually gifted, make sure you're not being a dumbass by drinking decaf for five days straight! If anything, I am grateful for the lesson in humility!


  1. Even decaf is strong for me as I am very caffeine sensitive! I can't drink too much of it! My partner drinks a lot of the normal stuff though!


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