Goals Achieved, New Beginnings

Usagi Tsukino (Sailor Moon) studying

Last year, I outlined my goals for 2022-2023 and I'm thrilled to share that I've made significant strides in achieving most of them. I understand that setting goals might not resonate with everyone; however, from my standpoint, having specific targets has greatly contributed to maintaining my mental well-being. Did I tick off every single goal? No, and that's perfectly okay. Instead of dwelling on what I didn't achieve, I'm choosing to focus on the milestones I reached this past year, and I couldn't be prouder.

Before delving into my new goals for 2024, let's take a closer look at what I managed to accomplish and what's still a work in progress.

(1) Ask for help - This has been a personal struggle, but I've made strides. I've learned that seeking assistance doesn't signify weakness; rather, it's a strength. Breaking the habit of self-reliance was tough, yet the positive outcomes made it worthwhile.

(2) Invest in me and my hobbies - This is fun! I have so many new figures and I can't wait to do an update in that department. I also bought some new clothes. I have a lot of retro 1950s-inspired clothing to add to my wardrobe.

(3) Weight Loss -This goal faced setbacks, and I've decided to readdress it in the upcoming year.

(4) Get a part-time job -Although this took a backseat due to relocating to a new province, I'm determined to resume my job hunt.

(5) Start saving for my trip to Japan - Regrettably, this goal slipped my mind, and it remained on the back burner. However, it's not off the table.

(6) Have a successful first semester at University - I did! By seeking help and persevering, I managed to achieve a "B" average in my first semester. Gratitude goes to my peers and professors for their support.

(7) Get a Victorian dollhouse - I didn't quite get a dollhouse but I got a real house instead! Funny enough, in my previous post, I wrote: ''I know this list item sounds kind of screwy, but I had a cute dollhouse that my dad made me when I was a little girl. I would spend hours playing with it. Unfortunately, the dollhouse was discarded and while I could never replace the one my dad made for me, I should get something really nice. I want something that brings me happiness and reminds me of one of the few happy moments I had when I was a child.'' Ironically enough, I bought a house that resembles that childhood dollhouse! It is not a Victorian and neither was my dollhouse but I do own beautiful vintage home that was built in the late 1930's. I absolutely love old houses!

(8) Find small, reachable goals on bad days - I suffer from anxiety and depression. There are many days I do not want to get out of bed. On those days, I find a small goal to do (such as showering, doing the dishes or even taking the dog for a walk) to help me. While it is hard to get up and do something when you feel like shit, I do feel accomplished and better afterwards.

(9) Stop overanalyzing everything - Anxiety makes me overanalyze every stupid little thing that has happened or will happen or hell, might happen! I started practicing mindfulness and this has helped me chill out and enjoy the moment! 

(10)  Keep being a strong, independent, high-value woman who sets boundaries  - By setting boundaries, I gained clarity on the kind of partner I desired. I stood firm on my principles, and as a result, I'm fortunate to have met someone who aligns with my goals and values in relationships.

Embracing Success and Surprises:

Overall, this year has been remarkably successful. Notably, I found an incredible partner, and I received news that one of my articles will be published in a forthcoming book, slated for release in 2024. These accomplishments fill me with immense pride.

 I'm truly grateful for the achievements and delightful surprises that came my way in the past year. Here's to embracing the journey ahead with renewed goals and aspirations for the upcoming year!


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