Sailor Moon Room

Sailor Moon is often considered a starter anime for most people, myself included! I decided to honor my beloved series and manga by dedicating an entire room for my collection! When I originally moved in here, the spare room was going to be my office and collection room. Well, my collection grew and many figures from other anime series are now taking up residence in my living room! My house is being taken over by figures!

Here is a sneak peak of my progress. I will update once I change things around a little. Please excuse the lighting, I will be working on that as well.


I ordered some lighting for my cabinets. As you can tell from the photos, the lighting isn't very good in this room! I also plan on re arranging my figures as well as do a deep clean of my cabinets. I am expecting a laptop as well as a small desk to arrive since I plan on doing all my studying/assignments here. I figured it would be the best place for me since I will be surrounded by things I love and make me happy! I also plan on re arranging my figures too. Be sure to come back next week to see my progress updates! My goal is to get this done before classes begin! There is no closet door in this room and I plan on putting up a curtain to hide all the clutter from the closet! Again, I apologize for the horrible quality of these photos!

Sailor Moon will forever be dear to me and I am incredibly happy to have a space dedicated towards this beloved anime! 


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