
Love Lost In Darkness

Love Lost In Darkness by Sylvie Dubois Love lost in darkness Love that was misunderstood Loneliness is my mistress Consumed by thoughts of you Damaged, broken, sore I cry to the heavens Wondering what's in store Love lost in darkness I am thinking of all the times we missed of all the hugs and kiss that would never exist Love lost in darkness Love that was misplaced I didn't know my own heart, a love that can't be replaced Hope is not lost I close my eyes A voice speaks your name I know I am in the wrong place Cause this love was lost in darkness but I try to find the light Cause something like this needs to be made right

Grail Figure: Sakura Miku by Spiritale

This is the week where I am receiving all my Sakura Miku pre-orders! If you're interested, I posted my latest acquisitions on my Anime Figures page. The Spiritale figure I received earlier this week deserves its own blog post. I pre-ordered it in April 2021 and not only was this figure highly anticipated, but it is also super gorgeous! This is a scale figure, therefore, it comes with a hefty price tag. On the other hand, I love cherry blossoms and I had to purchase it. My dream is to go to Japan in the springtime so I can experience the splendours of the sakura trees personally! love how she is beautifully perched on the branch and the flowers are so pretty. The figure is very well sculpted and the colours are well-painted.  Sakura Miku figure by Spiritale ( Otakumode) My beautiful Sakura Miku figure

Grail figure: Asuka Shikinami Langley, Evangelion Thrice Upon A Time

Neon Genesis Evangelion Thrice Upon a Time movie was released in 2021 and is the fourth installment of the series. I have been a fan of this anime for years. In fact, it was one of the first animes I ever watched!  In 2021, Amakuni and Amiami released a beautiful 1/6 scale figure of Asuka Shikinami Langley to commemorate the movie. Being a big fan of this series, I had to pre-order this figure! Asuka holds a special place in my heart. I relate so much to this character. In the series, you can clearly see she has many symptoms associated with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) that are left untreated. She reminds me that I need to keep constant vigilance over my mental health and to continue seeking treatment. She is my lesson on who I could be if I let my symptoms take control of my life.  I waited almost two years for this figure and I was not disappointed when it arrived. It was totally worth the long wait! A beautifully crafted figure of Asuka Shikinami Langley  by  Amakuni and A

Sailor Moon Room

Sailor Moon is often considered a starter anime for most people, myself included! I decided to honor my beloved series and manga by dedicating an entire room for my collection! When I originally moved in here, the spare room was going to be my office and collection room. Well, my collection grew and many figures from other anime series are now taking up residence in my living room! My house is being taken over by figures! Here is a sneak peak of my progress. I will update once I change things around a little. Please excuse the lighting, I will be working on that as well.   I ordered some lighting for my cabinets. As you can tell from the photos, the lighting isn't very good in this room! I also plan on re arranging my figures as well as do a deep clean of my cabinets. I am expecting a laptop as well as a small desk to arrive since I plan on doing all my studying/assignments here. I figured it would be the best place for me since I will be surrounded by things I love and make me hap

Making a French Canadian Gothmas!

My Holiday festivities started when I was invited to my friend's birthday party earlier this month. It was a formal affair and since I lost a considerable amount of weight, I had a cornucopia of clothing to choose from! I decided on a simple black dress that had a small layer of tulle underneath. Once I tried the dress on, I immediately got Sailor Moon vibes and I was inspired! Here is a cute photo of me!  A gothic Moon Princess! Working part-time during this period has made the Holiday preparations less stressful. I got to make a lovely homemade tourtière  (meat pie) My father was French Canadian and I tend to miss him this time of the year. Being able to make this dish is an excellent way to honour his memory. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photos but the pie is safe in my freezer and we are all excited to devour it on the 24th!  Considering Dad was French Canadian and my mom was an Anglophone, my dad tried to pass on some of his traditions to me when I was younger. Usual

Registering for Classes in Your First Year of University

  Usagi Tsukino, AKA Sailor Moon getting a bad test score ( As most of you know, I will be starting University next month and I am super excited to embark on the lovely (yet sometimes daunting)journey into the world of academia! Registering for your classes can seem scary but exciting and even a little confusing, all rolled into one! I wanted to share my experience in this process in hopes this blog post can help any first-time University students who are registering for their first classes! If anyone has advice, please hit me up in the comments! Again, this process can be daunting for any new student who is entering University and any tidbit of information is helpful! The Most Important Thing You Must Know - The University Won't Chase After You When I went to register for University and even after I signed my acceptance letter, I was bombarded with emails from the school with lots of information. A lot of it was for International students who are moving to my ci

Doing it my way

 "...I'll state my case of which I am certain I've lived a life that's full I've travelled each and every highway and much more than this, I did it my way"  - Written by Paul Anka, performed by Frank Sinatra and Sid Vicious  I have written extensively on the subject of recently finding my own self-confidence, having goals and just simply living life my way! I want to expand on how I am making my life about me and the key moments that influenced this new way of life.  I am at a period in my life where I am making it all about me! I see the road ahead and no one is going to stop me from taking my chosen path. No one. I have come too far! When I was at work on Monday and stepped into the washroom to take a selfie because there is a beautiful full-length mirror in there, I admired myself. Lately, I have been dressing for myself. I wear my makeup for me. I am not doing it for a job so I can "look normal" or even to impress a romantic interest. I invested