
Showing posts with the label School

Doing it my way

 "...I'll state my case of which I am certain I've lived a life that's full I've travelled each and every highway and much more than this, I did it my way"  - Written by Paul Anka, performed by Frank Sinatra and Sid Vicious  I have written extensively on the subject of recently finding my own self-confidence, having goals and just simply living life my way! I want to expand on how I am making my life about me and the key moments that influenced this new way of life.  I am at a period in my life where I am making it all about me! I see the road ahead and no one is going to stop me from taking my chosen path. No one. I have come too far! When I was at work on Monday and stepped into the washroom to take a selfie because there is a beautiful full-length mirror in there, I admired myself. Lately, I have been dressing for myself. I wear my makeup for me. I am not doing it for a job so I can "look normal" or even to impress a romantic interest. I invested

A step ahead but not without a glance behind

With a new year fast approaching, I am already looking back at 2022! I really can't help it! It was a crappy year for me but with a positive outlook, I realized this was a year of transformation. This period of change or evolution as I like to call it was long overdue and I am glad to be given the hard lessons I had to face. I am so happy that we have a month left of 2022 and I can look forward to bigger and better things next month when I start University and begin a new chapter of my life. So yeah, I am getting a head start at this new year, new me bullshit! Except, I am already a new me and I am quite happy with the woman I am today. It is thanks to the lessons I had to face over the past couple of months that made me the strong, resilient, high-value woman I am! Yes, I am having a feminist moment, bare with me! This year has taught me the importance of having goals , of looking inwards and asking myself "what is it that I really want? " and reaching for the stars. It

The Calm Before the Storm

"I never thought I'd have to take this much from you I wish I'd never used this precious time on you Because you didn't want me You never cried for me at all You didn't love me You were too far above me Then you watched me take the fall " - You Didn't Want Me, Mesh The past couple of months has been rough for me. It felt like I was taking one step forward to only taking three steps back! As a result, I went into Hermit mode and did a lot of shadow work. I also realized what I wanted and slowly started making goals for myself.   By having these goals, I could slowly crawl out of my depression and have the energy to face another day. Getting a part-time job really helped me because it gives me something to look forward to and there is so much I have to learn in this job, it really helps get my mind off things.  I have been a bit of a homebody lately. To be perfectly honest, this whole being-alone thing is new to me. Yes, I have my kid and I love hanging out

Back to school, old school style!

 With starting a part-time job and University classes starting in January, I need to stay organized. With modern technology, having a calendar on your phone can be quite practical. For people like me who prefer to write things down, I prefer owning a planner. I just prefer to write things down and be able to flip through pages. I know, it is not the most environmentally safe thing to do but I need to be organized with everything going on in my life. There is something about writing down when a mid-term or when an assignment is due, which days I am scheduled to go to work, any important appointments or meetings and what plans I have for the weekend. I also plan on using it to make to-do lists for my days off. I remember the excitement I felt at the beginning of the school year when I got to buy my new school supplies and get the school agenda. I immediately would bring out all the magazines that I collected over the summer and would make collages to decorate the pages of my agenda. By t

Time to spill the tea

“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”  - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord Of The Rings Hello dear readers, First and foremost, I want to thank you for reading this blog! This was just a little project I did for me to work on my creative writing. It has helped me get back into that mindset and I am quite happy that I have started writing again.  Today, I feel like using this little blog as a journal and just writing about what is going on in my life and spilling some tea! So sit back, get your beverage, maybe even some popcorn and enjoy!  I figured I would write something a little easy today because I feel like writing but I have no inspiration to write a poem or a story so I thought I would give a life update because those are fun! I also have Covid and it is hard to get all creative when your mind is fuzzy so I thought I would write about what has been go